Sacred:The Matriarchy of Depths

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The Matriarchy of Depths

And Corimbald the Wise reported that... those who the folk in those days only dared to refer to in whispers — known as the Angels of Death — brought terror and death to the villages, the meadows and the houses. Even those among the small folk, the occupants of Gnarlstat, who escaped the massacre and wandered westwards feared their poison and their deadly blades. Deep in the halls of Zhurag-Nar, the Princesses of the Dark Elves are meeting and laying their murderous, wanton plans. They seldom take slaves and it is widely known that the bones of Orcs and Goblins are found just as often as those of men, women and children, whether of lowly farming stock or from aristocratic families. A human child from the far-away Highmarsh, where the men grub about in the dirt to find combustible materials, escaped the dark cave and spoke about the power of the women who practice dark witchcraft there and how those who swarm against our brave soldiers on the battle field with fluttering flags are just like the drones of a bee state. They are born — or rather laid — to murder, pillage, kill! Woe to you, O Ancaria!

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