Sacred 2:Area of Effect

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Revision as of 09:15, 29 March 2011 by Silver_fox (talk | contribs) (Added missing Cobalt Strike to the list and listed mod names)
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Area of effect or AoE in Sacred 2 refers to combat arts that exhibit the following characteristic:

  • Capable of effecting any number of enemies (or allies) that are within its range.

Non-area of Effect combat arts may sometimes be modified by combat art modification choices and turned into Area of Effect combat arts. Many Area of Effect combat arts also do damage over time as well.

Innate Area of Effect Combat Arts

DRdd.gif Dust Devil

DRel.gif Edaphic Lances

HEbt.gif Blazing Tempest

HEis-2.gif Incendiary Shower

buffHEis.gif Incandescent Skin (buff)

HErn.gif Raging Nimbus

HEem.gif Expulse Magic

INrm.gif Ruthless Mutilation

INla.gif Levin Array

INcm.gif Clustering Maelstrom

INpd.gif Paralyzing Dread

INed.gif Eruptive Desecration

SErp.gif Radiant Pillar

buffSEcb.gif Cleansing Brilliance (buff)

SEfn.gif Flaring Nova

SWss.gif Scything Sweep

SWbv.gif Belligerent Vault

SWag.gif Augmenting Guidon

SWks.gif Killing Spree

SWrs.gif Rallied Souls

TGds.gif Deathly Spears

TGfem.gif Furious Emblazer

TGab.gif Archimedes Beam

TGpl.gif Propelled Levitation

TGfe.gif Fiery Ember

TGie.gif Icy Evanescence

TGcg.gif Charged Grid

buffTGuf.gif Untouchable Force (buff)

DMds.gif Dragon Strike

DMdm.gif Dragon Form allows to use

DMfireodem.gif Fire Odem

DMgw.gif Gust of Wind

DMd.gif Destroyer

DMt.gif Tornado

DMmb.gif Magic Barrier

DMeb.gif Energy Blaze

DMm.gif Maelstrom

buffDMr.gif Runes of Protection (buff)

Area of Effect Combat Arts via Modifications

DRri.gif Ravaged Impact (mod 3a - Blast)

DRff.gif Forest Flight (mod 1b - Roots)

DRtv.gif Tangled Vine (mod 3a - Encroach)

HEff.gif Frost Flare (mod 3a - Icy Circle)

HEcs-1.gif Cobalt Strike (mod 3a - Explosion)

HEmc.gif Magic Coup (mod 3b - Stray Damage)

HEss.gif Shadow Step (mod 3a - Explosion)

INrt.gif Raving Thrust (mod 2a - Relay)

INds.gif Dislodged Spirit (mod 3b - Wildfire)

SEas.gif Assailing Somersault (mod 2b - Impetus)

buffSEbs.gif Battle Stance (buff - bless to allies)(mod 3a - Idol)

SEaw.gif Archangel's Wrath (mod 2a - Explosive)

SWdb.gif Demonic Blow (mod 1b - Vehemence)

SWrc.gif Rousing Command (bless to allies)(mod 3b - Leader)

buffSWre.gif Reflective Emanation (buff - bless to allies)(mod 3b - Idol)


DMms.gif Mind Strike (mod 2b - Expansion)

See Also