Sacred 2:Power of NIF

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icon13.gif Note

You can get this legendary lightsaber only while completing the Epic Office Quest and only if you have the Community Patch installed.

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Item Modifiers

Other variations

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  • You would get this legendary lightsaber from the Ascaron employee Frank Rentmeister in Nor Plat.
  • This lightsaber may drop in various colours. Which one you'd get is random. The colour reflects the dominant non physical damage type.
  • Power of NIF has willpower-based damage. Just like all the other lightsabers do with the Community Patch. This fact is not displayed in the willpower attribute tooltip, but it works.
  • Its name originates in National Ignition Facility, the world's largest and highest-energy laser. The National Ignition Facility is an attempt at creating a micro-star the size of the diameter of a human hair inside a chamber by bombarding it with 96 intense laser beams. The resulting fusion reaction, if it could be repeated say, 10 times per second, could create enough energy to power the US power requirements 1000 times the current levels.