Sacred 2:Du'Rach Marauder

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Damage Types:

Weakest Against:

Region: Bengaresh Desert

Damage Types:

Weakest Against:

Region: Bengaresh Desert

Battle Notes

  • Racial Type: Humanoid Monster
  • All Du'Rach have physical-to-magic damage conversion on their weapon attacks, and additional damage mitigation against magic damage.
  • Like the Sand Raiders, the Du'Rach Marauders are hidden until the player gets close. They then appear in a dust cloud and will usually use their Sprint move right away to teleport to the player.

Special Abilities:

  • Sprint (both types) - this is a teleport-like spell where the Du'Rach suddenly appears right next to you. Causes no damage. 10s cooldown.
  • Fire Trap (normals only) - spawns a stationary trap that does fire and physical damage with a +50% chance for burning. The cooldown is 6 seconds and it lasts 10 seconds, so a single Marauder may have two traps active at once.
  • Blinding Trap (elites only) - a cloudy black trap that follows you around and causes blinding. If it touches you, it severely penalizes your attack speed and attack rating. Causes no damage. Trap lasts 45 seconds and has a 55 second cooldown.
  • Attack Scream (elites only) - this temporary buff (10s) is indicated by an orange halo of little lightning bolts around the Marauder (resembles the Barbarian's Berserk). It increases the attack speed, cast speed, and attack rating of the Marauder and any of his nearby allies.

See Also: