Sacred 2:Opponent level for death blow

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Revision as of 12:10, 23 October 2009 by Ka243 (talk | contribs)
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When an opponent's Health Points fall below the deathblow x% threshold which can be checked by looking at sigma, the player will begin at that point to deal double damage to all enemies being currently attacked whether by melee, ranged, or spell. It has still not been determined yet whether Damage over Time effects are modified by deathblow.

Note that in Ice & Blood, deathblow no longer works on spells. Deathblow still works on spells in Console versions and Sacred 2 prior to the Ice & Blood expansion.

Diminishing returns

Deathblow has diminishing returns which means that a higher percentage of deathblow will have to be worn, socketed or wielded via weapon slot than will actually manifest on the player's character. Checking sigma (F key) will report the actual opponent level for deathblow %.

  • Equipping two items totaling 52.2% (30.2+22.0) yields:

Chance for deathblow 41.7%

  • Equipping one item with a 47.1% chance for deathblow yields:

Chance for deathblow 47.1%

  • Equipping four items totaling 121.4% (47.1+30.2+22.1+22.0) yields:

Chance for deathblow 65.4%

Availability of Opponent level for deathblow X% as Item Modifier

This modifier is available on the following uniques as a yellow modifier (that requires no skill).

This modifier is available on the following unique jewelry as a yellow modifier (that requires no skill).

This Item Modifier is also available on regular items that can be purchased at vendors as yellow modifier (that requires no skill). Purchased regular items which can have deathblow upon them include armor, weapons and jewelry.