Sacred 2:Block chance: Combat Arts

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Revision as of 10:59, 12 May 2014 by Mibbs (talk | contribs)
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  • Provides to the character a percent chance to block any opponent Combat Arts inflicted upon him/her.
  • Bonuses from different sources have diminishing returns and can be calculated using the following formula:

x_final = х_1 + х_2*(100%-х_1)^2 + х_3*(100%-(х_1+х_2*(100%-х_1)^2))^2 + х_4*...

  • Bonuses from stacked Expulse Magic circles have their own diminishing returns and can be calculated using the following formula:

x_final = х_1 + х_2*(100%-х_1) + х_3*(100%-(х_1+х_2*(100%-х_1)) + х_4*...

  • The block is calculated before reflection, blocked damage cannot be reflected when reaching the chance to block 100% (only possible for CloseCombat). For example High Elf, often casting the Expulse magic circle on yourself, eventually gaining the chance block combat skills are close to 100%, and "crystal skin" buff ceases to reflect spells, as all they have previously blocked. This fact is in no way belittle reflection, however, is the understanding of the fact that at achieving the chance to block 100% chance of reflection makes no sense, because this chance simply doesn't work.
  • Possible to block or reflect only the direct elemental damage, but not Damage Over Time.
  • Successfully blocking or reflecting CAs negates all detrimental effects and negative effects like stun/disarm/removing_buffs/debuff, that could have been caused by these CAs.