Sacred:Inner Works of Resistances, Translation of a German thread by Librarian

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Posted at Darkmattersfor review and discussion

Inner works of resistances

[Original article in German by Covenant for, translated by Librarian]


[color=blue]Something need to be said here.

I tried to contact the original writer of the article but have not received any response. Many things could have went wrong of course. For one, maybe he doesn't understand English and had no idea what I'm ask him for. wink.gif Its more likely that he has moved on like Librarian.

Still I decided to post it because Librarian has gotten permission for the translation, and I have not modified a single word on this (just some formatting and minor organizing). That said, if anyone has a valid reason for me to remove this, I will do so.

With that out of the way, a little thought from me:

I always liked this short but very useful article on resistances, namely the explanation of how mono-elemental is significantly more powerful than multi-elemental. (And how it still makes sense even though I use a not so good translator to help me read the German)

As far as I know, this has never laned on the international side of the forum. And well among the things Librarian gave me, there is a translation of the article, which is still valid.

As always, questions and comments are welcome.


There's a modest formula in the "official" strategy guide from Ascaron:

[color=red][center]Received Damage =[/center][/color] [color=red][center]phys.dam*{phys.dam/(phys.dam + phys.res)}[/center][/color] [color=red][center]+fire.dam*{...}+mag.dam{...}+pois.dam{...}[/center][/color]

At the first glance it doesn't look promising yet on closer examination can trigger interesting conclusions especially pertaining not to resistances of the player char but of the enemies (from which this formula was derived). Here are several graphs and examples:


[color=blue]Inflicted Damage[/color] - total damage that is inflicted with a weapon blow, shot, spell; it hasn't been decreased by resistances yet

[color=blue]Received Damage[/color] - real damage decreased by resistances, indicated by the floating numbers in the game

[color=blue]Hit[/color] - a successful blow, shot

[color=blue]One Hit[/color] - dealing exactly one hit to an opponent

[color=blue]Multi Hit[/color] - many combat arts allow hits to be delivered on several opponents and all such arts will be further referred to as multi hit

[color=blue]Element[/color] - type of damage: physical, magic, fire or poison

Character's resistances

Here's a very simple example. What effect does the inflicted damage have and how can one protect from it? The graph below details how adequate resistances modify the inflicted damage of 100 points (just any element, doesn't matter which one exactly - only that resistances match damage type).

(in the stats screen you can hover over the line of total resistances to get a detailed resists breakdown)

[center]Graph 1: 100 damage vs resists (character)[/center] [center]resgraph1sv2.jpg[/center]