Sacred 2:Alethea

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Revision as of 16:43, 10 January 2011 by Silver_fox (talk | contribs) (The phrase 'deep in the south west' is from the quest dialog, so I returned it to the description)
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Alethea is the Seraphim who lives in the Noriath Temple area. One day she had gotten word of a demon that plagued the land deep in the south west. As a Seraphim she decided to hunt this demon. But this tale ended when Alethea encountered a demon and some kobolds who were protecting it. Now she is captivated by their cursed energy. As a fellow Seraphim, your character should free her from that prison. All the other characters can't even meet her.



  • Alethea is involved in Whoops, the High Elf region Seraphim's class-specific quest (this quest is not the part of the Seraphim's 'blue' quest chain)


  • After you complete the quest, Alethea can be found right next to the entrance of the Noriath Temple.