Sacred 2:Skills

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Skills improve the hero's characteristics in many different ways. Each character class has different skills. On reaching the next experience level, the player can distribute additional skill points in order to improve these existing skills. The number of skill points gained depends on the level of the hero. These abilities are very powerful and they should be chosen carefully depending on the character class and the preferred style of playing.

lvl 2: 1 new skill

lvl 3: 1 new weapon + Combat Art slot

lvl 5: 1 new skill, + 1 skill / Attribute point

lvl 8: 1 new skill

lvl 11: 1 new weapon + Combat Art slot

lvl 12: 1 new skill + 1 skill / attribute point

lvl 18: 1 new skill

lvl 21: 1 new weapon + Combat Art slot

lvl 25: 1 new skill, + 1 skill / attribute point

lvl 35: 1 new skill

lvl 50: 1 new skill - *not confirmed yet*

lvl 60: 1 new skill - *not confirmed yet*

Skills that provide identical bonuses do not stack with each other. Instead, the game will use the highest listed bonus offered between the two. For example, if the player choose to put five points into Dual Wield and five points into Speed Lore, both can possibly accord a higher attack speed, however, the game will only use the higher of the two, which in this case would be Dual Wield.

Seraphim Combat Art Skills:

concentration.gif Concentration
Gives an additional buff slot & improves regeneration for all Combat Arts
exaltedwarriorfocus.gif Exalted Warrior Focus
Improves regeneration and raises max Combat Art level for this aspect
celestialmagiclore.gif Celestial Magic Lore
Increases damage, critical chance and cast speed for this aspect
reveredtechnologylore.gif Revered Technology Lore
Increases damage, critical chance & cast speed for this aspect
combatdiscipline.gif Combat Discipline
Increases damage and improves regeneration for Combos. Also increases the number of Combat Arts you can have in a combo
celestialmagicfocus.gif Celestial Magic Focus
Improves regeneration and raises max Combat Art level for this aspect
reveredtechnologyfocus.gif Revered Technology Focus
Improves regeneration and raises max Combat Art level for this aspect

Offensive skills:

damagelore.gif Damage Lore - Provides a better chance for applying "status effects" (eg, burning with fire damage) on monsters

dualwield.gif Dual wield - Allows you to wield two single-handed weapons

haftedweapons.gif Hafted Weapons - Increases attack speed, chance to hit and max item level usable without penalties with these weapons

magicstaffs.gif Magic Staffs -Increases attack speed, chance to hit and max item level usable without penalties with these weapons

polearms.gif Pole Arms - Increases attack speed, chance to hit and max item level usable without penalties with these weapons

rangedweapons.gif Ranged Weapons - Increases attack speed, chance to hit and max item level usable without penalties with these weapons

speedlore.gif Speed Lore - Increases attack and defense and run speed

swordweapons.gif Sword Weapons - Increases attack speed, chance to hit and max item level usable without penalties with these weapons

tacticslore.gif Tactics Lore - Increases damage with all weapons

Defensive Skills:

armorlore.gif Armour Lore - Improves your resists and increases maximum item level without penalties

combatreflexes.gif Combat Reflexes - Improves player's Evasion statistic (chance to dodge attacks) & reduces the chance that the character will get hit with a critical hit from a monster

constitution.gif Constitution - Increases health and health regeneration

pacifism.gif Pacifism - Reduces damage taken in PvP (all possible ramifications still unknown)

shieldlore.gif Shield Lore - Still unknown, possibly increases defense and maximum item level without penalties

spellresistance.gif Spell Resistance - Increases your resistance to spells

toughness.gif Toughness - Improves your resists and provides minimal % damage mitigation

wardingenergy.gif Warding Energy - Increases shield energy (only available for Seraphiim and Temple Guardian) and damage absorption for Combat Arts that use/create a shield (Eg, Temple Guardian's T-Energy Shroud).

General skills:

alchemy.gif Alchemy - Allows player to use certain consumables

bargaining.gif Bargaining - Much like Trading in original Sacred, improves what merchants have to offer.

blacksmith.gif Blacksmith - Allows the player to socket items without having to use a Blacksmith

divinedevotion.gif Divine Devotion - Improves regeneration of god-spell

enhancedperception.gif Enhanced Perception - Gives the player a better chance of "seing" invisible monsters as well as "magical hiding places"

riding.gif Riding - Improves player's mount's Combat Arts as well as the level of Mount allowed to be used by the player.